Hades Wiki
Adamant Rail

Exagryph, the Adamant Rail, is an Infernal Arm that can be unlocked for 8 Chthonic Keys after all other weapons have been unlocked. It is a ranged weapon modeled after a repeating rifle.

Codex entry

'...Least known among the gods who stood together to depose the Titans is the Lady Hestia, reclusive goddess of the hearth, and one-time wielder of Exagryph, the Rail of Adamant; an artifact of metal and of flame so dreadful that the gods themselves abandoned it once their fell work was done. The Rail has a form and function to befit one's nightmares -- while other weapons of the gods inspired mortal counterparts, I am relieved to say the Rail's cruel design has not yet been discovered in a stroke of mortal inspiration, to conduct their wars. Let us pray for their sake that it never shall. For now, its secrets remain trapped within the darkest regions of the Underworld, along with the remains of the Titans defeated by it. Someday, however, I imagine it shall break free from this place; for any weapon once possessed by Eris, Lady Strife herself, becomes possessed of an eternal hunger to destroy. But I am not the sort to moralize or speculate. Indeed, I wish to have no part of it, at all.'

Fighting style

The Adamant Rail's primary attack fires bullets rapidly out of an ammo cache in the direction Zagreus is looking. These bullets do not stagger enemies or cause them to flinch, and they deal low damage. Zagreus is immobile while firing.

When the Rail is out of ammo, it must be reloaded. It will reload automatically when out of ammo, or a manual reload can be triggered with the "Reload" action.

The Rail's special attack is "Bombard". Using it targets an area around the cursor and launches a large grenade at it. After a brief delay, the grenade will hit the targeted area, dealing massive damage to enemies within the blast zone. The grenade will bounce back from walls and obstacles.


Attack Description Damage Notes
Fire Hold Attack button to Fire (or press rapidly). 10 Damage
  • Range: 710
Dash Attack Press Attack right after Dash to fire 1 shot at a higher fire rate. 10 Damage
  • Hestia's Empowered Shot still has significant fire delay.
Reload Press Right Stick/R to Reload.
Bombard Press Special to Bombard. 60 Damage


The Adamant Rail has 4 Aspects: Zagreus, Eris, Hestia, and Lucifer. Like all other weapons, each Aspect has 5 levels that can be unlocked by spending Titan Blood. The higher the level of the Aspect, the more effective its improvement is. Reaching the highest level in all Aspects requires 51 Titan Blood. An Aspect will not only change the appearance of the Adamant Rail, but will also improve its attacks. The Aspect of Lucifer has an unique move-set which changes the fighting style of the Adamant Rail.

Aspect Description Upgrade Cost Appearance
Zagreus Rail Image

Aspect of Zagreus

The form in which the Adamant Rail first revealed itself.

The image of the noble gryphon belies its true intent but not its power.

Bonus Max Ammo

(+4 / +6 / +8 / +10 / +12)

1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1

Titan Blood

(Total: 5Titan Blood)

Zagreus Aspect Rail
Eris Aspect

Aspect of Eris

For 4 seconds after absorbing your Special's blast, deal more damage.

Strife herself once stole away with it, such was its destructive allure.

Bonus Damage

(+15% / +30% / +45% / +60% / +75%)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Titan Blood

(Total: 15Titan Blood)

Eris Aspect Rail
Hestia Aspect Image

Aspect of Hestia

After you manually Reload, your next shot is empowered.

Before she was goddess of the hearth, she specialized in another type of fire.

Empowered Shot Base Damage

(50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150)

  • Not listed: the range of Empowered Shot is increased to 150%
2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Titan Blood

(Total: 16Titan Blood)

 Hestia Aspect Rail
Lycifer aspect

Aspect of Lucifer

You have Igneus Eden*, which launches volatile Hellfire.

As he fell from grace, he nonetheless fought back in all his defiant fury.

Hellfire Blast Damage

(50 / 63 / 75 / 88 / 100)

3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3

Titan Blood

(Total: 15Titan Blood)

Aspect of Lucifer 

*See below for Igneus Eden's alternate moveset.

Revealing the Aspect of Lucifer

Reveal the Aspect of Lucifer by meeting the following requirements:

  • Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu (does not need to be unlocked with Titan Blood}
  • Have a total of 5 Titan Blood or more invested into Rail aspects
  • Talk to Zeus (with any weapon equipped) until he gives you the waking-phrase
  • Equip the Rail at the House and then interact with its placeholder to reveal the Aspect of Lucifer

Aspect of Lucifer Moveset

Attack Description Damage Effects
Beam Attack Hold Attack button to Fire. 10 Damage, +0.75 per tick Total: 370 Damage for 20 Ammo Clip
  • Range: 710
  • Beam is not interrupted while Dashing
Reload Press Right Stick/R to Reload.
Hellfire Press Special to Bombard. 20 Damage per Second Detonate: 50-100 Damage
  • Cannot Backstab
  • Damage radius: 400
  • Small orb pulses boon effects in circle around itself while dormant.
  • Detonates from any damage caused to it by you, by enemies, or by its own pulsing boon effects causing area damage (e.g. lightning strike) to nearby enemies.
  • Maximum 3 orbs deployed at one time. If a 4th Hellfire is deployed, the 1st orb deployed will detonate.


These are all the upgrades the Adamant Rail can receive when using the Daedalus Hammer. Some upgrades are mutually exclusive, and cannot be combined with each other.

Daedalus Hammer upgrades for the Rail can either change its "Fire" (Attack) pattern, add new effects to the Rail's bullets, or change its "Bombard" (Special) attack pattern.

Upgrade Description Notes
Flurry Fire
Flurry Fire
Your Attack is faster and more accurate; gain +6 ammo capacity.
  • Cannot be combined with Spread Fire or Delta Chamber
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
  • Reduce Attack cooldown to 60%
Ricochet Fire
Ricochet Fire
Your attack bounces to +1 other foe
  • Cannot be combined with Explosive Fire, Spread Fire, or Seeking Fire
  • Possibly Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
Spread Fire
Spread Fire
Your Attack becomes a short spread that deals 40 base damage; lose -6 ammo capacity.
  • Cannot be combined with Flurry Fire, Delta Chamber, Ricochet Fire, Seeking Fire or Concentrated Fire
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
  • Reduce Attack range to 320
  • Increase Attack cooldown to 150%
Explosive Fire
Explosive Fire
Your Attack deals damage in an area and briefly slows foes.
  • Cannot be combined with Ricochet Fire or Piercing Fire
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
  • Damage radius: 275
Infinity Chamber
Delta Chamber
Your Attack is a 3-round burst; you never have to Reload.
  • Cannot be combined with Spread Fire, Flurry Fire or Concentrated Fire
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
  • Cooldown between each shot: decreased to 0.035 sec
  • Cooldown between bursts of fire: 0.5 sec
Piercing Fire
Piercing Fire
Your Attack pierces foes and deals +50% damage to Armor.
Triple Bomb
Triple Bomb
You can use your Special 3 times in rapid succession.
  • Cannot be combined with Cluster Bomb or Hazard Bomb
Rocket Bomb
Rocket Bomb
Your Special is replaced with a rocket that deals 80 base damage.
  • Cannot be combined with Hazard Bomb
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
Targeting System
Targeting System
Foes targeted by your Special move slower and take +30% damage.
  • The damage bonus is additive.
Hazard Bomb
Hazard Bomb
Your Special deals +300% base damage in a large area, but can hurt you.
  • Cannot be combined with Rocket Bomb, Cluster Bomb or Triple Bomb
  • Reduce range of Special to 10.
  • Increase damage radius to 145%
  • The damage bonus is multiplicative.
  • Deals 1% damage to Zag himself
Cluster Bomb
Cluster Bomb
Your Special fires a spread of 5 bombs, but each deals -30% damage.
  • Cannot be combined with Hazard Bomb or Triple Bomb
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
  • Reduce damage radius to 350
  • If used with Rocket Bomb, 5 rockets are fired in a 150° spread over about a second, firing right to left
Seeking Fire
Seeking Fire
Your Attack seeks the nearest foe and deals +10% damage.
  • Cannot be combined with Piercing Fire, Ricochet Fire, or Spread Fire
  • Incompatible with the Aspect of Lucifer
Concentrated Beam
Concentrated Beam
Your Igneus Eden Attack damage to a foe ramps up +100% faster.
  • Aspect of Lucifer Exclusive
  • Cannot be combined with Eternal Chamber
Flash Fire
Flash Fire
Your Igneus Eden Attack starts firing and fires +50% faster with +15% range.
  • Aspect of Lucifer Exclusive
Triple Beam
Triple Beam
Your Igneus Eden Attack fires 3 beams in a spread pattern.
  • Aspect of Lucifer Exclusive
Eternal Chamber
Eternal Chamber
Your Igneus Eden has ∞ ammo, but its damage no longer ramps.
  • Aspect of Lucifer Exclusive
  • Cannot be combined with Concentrated Beam
Greater Inferno
Greater Inferno
Your Igneus Eden Hellfire radiates +250% damage in a larger area.
  • Aspect of Lucifer Exclusive
